In this article, we will be bringing to your notice those programs in Nigerian universities which have been upgraded in the ongoing PTDF's 'Universities Upgrade and Endowment Programs'.

For the avoidance of doubt, these programs embarked on bt the PTDF are very laudable and they include the Universities Upgrade Program, PTI Upgrade Program, PTDF Endowment Program, and the PTDF ICT Centres.

1. Universities Upgrade Program

A component of the Program of Action of the PTDF, and the selected universities and departments include:
University of Port Harcourt; Gas Engineering
University of Ibadan; Petroleum Engineering
University of Benin; Chemical Engineering
University of Nigeria, Nsukka; Geology
University of Maiduguri; Geology
University of Jos; Geology and Mining
Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria; Chemical Engineering
Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto; Pure and Applied Chemistry

The upgrade of these institution faculties is part of the Federal Government of Nigeria’s strategy to accelerate the acquisition of indigenous manpower and technological know-how for the nation’s oil and gas industry.

It is designed to be in phases, and aimed at ensuring these departments meet national and international standards for veritable and international standards for veritable and sustainable centers of excellence.


In line with the government's supposed plan of Poverty Eradication, through empowering youths of the Niger Delta and re-injecting resources derived from these oil producing communities with a view to addressing the problems existent in the area, the PTDF undertakes some strategic projects/programs, some of which are:
Completion of the Federal Technical Institute, Bonny, Rivers State; designed to train students in obtaining professional certificates in Gas, Petroleum and Environmental studies.
Establishment of the Federal Polytechnic, Ekowe, Bayelsa State; with specialization in Gas, Petroleum and Environmental studies.
Establishment of primary and secondary schools at Oporaza and Okeronkoko communities in Delta State. 2. PTI Upgrade Program
The Petroleum Training Institute (PTI), Effurun Delta State was established by the Federal Government of Nigeria in 1973 as a pre-requisite for the membership of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), to train Indigenous middle level Technical Manpower to meet the labor force demand of the Oil & Gas Industry in Nigeria and the West African Sub-Region.

Essentially, the PTI upgrade project was necessitated as a result of the shortage of indigenous middle level technical manpower for the oil and gas Industry. A situation which continued to deteriorate, so much that expatriates were engaged to carry out jobs that Nigerians can adequately do if well trained.

PTDF was mandated to upgrade the institution to a Center of Excellence in the West African region. The upgrade commenced and has the following components:
Education and Training
Infrastructure and Facilities
Organizational Restructuring While the education and training component of the project is 100% completed, the infrastructure and facilities component is currently on-going.

3. PTDF Endowment Program
This fund is run in six Federal Universities as listed below:
Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria; Chemical Engineering
University of Ibadan; Petroleum Engineering
University of Maiduguri; Geology
Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto; Pure and Applied Chemistry
University of Nigeria, Nsukka; Geology
University of Port Harcourt; Gas Engineering Initially endowment for each of the universities was N10,000,000.00 which was later reviewed to N60,000,000.00 per school.

The furtherance of research and training on how to successfully exploit Nigeria's enormous oil and gas resources to the fullest advantage

To encourage large scale development of interdisciplinary teaching and research programs
To provide educational opportunities for undergradute and postgraduate creativity innovation
Development of indigenous qualified manpower with the right skills to exploit and manage the petroleum industry
To undertake research in those areas that would facilitate the exploration and exploitation of Nigeria's mineral resources
To serve as an interface between the institutions and the various stakeholders. 4. PTDF ICT Centres
Due to the major responsibility of developing capacity in human resources and technology in the Oil and Gas industry, improvement of learning facilities specifically in ICT was undertaken in some selected secondary schools, 24 Tertiary Institutions (in Oil and Gas related departments), 20 Federal Colleges of Education and 102 Unity Schools spread across different parts of the Country.

To visit the official PTDF web site go to: